Saturday, May 2, 2009

Jinn Stories

Story of the first Muslim Jinns

The story of how the first jinns of this ummah became Muslims was narrated by Abdullaah ibn Abbaas, who said:"The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) went out with a group of his Companions heading for the marketplace of Ukaaz. This was when the shayaateen were prevented from getting any news from heaven, and shooting stars (meteorites or comets) had been sent against them. The shayaateen went back to their people, who said, 'What is the matter with you?' They said, 'We cannot get news from heaven, and shooting stars were sent against us.' Their people said, 'Nothing is stopping you from hearing news from heaven except some new event that must have happened. Go and look in the east and the west of the earth, and see if you can find out what it is that is stopping you from hearing news from heaven.' Those who went out in the direction of Tihaamah came upon the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) in Nakhlah, when he was on his way to Ukaaz, and found him leading his Companions in Fajr prayer. When they heard the Quran, they listened to it and said, 'By Allaah, this is what is stopping us from hearing news from heaven.' When they went back to their people, they said, 'O our people, we have heard a wonderful Recital (the Quran). It guides to the Right Path, and we have believed therein, and we shall never join (in worship) anything with our Lord (Allah). [al-Jinn 72:2 - interpretation of the meaning].Then Allaah revealed to His Prophet peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) the words (interpretation of the meaning): "Say (O Muhammad): 'It has been revealed to me that a group of jinns listened (to this Qur'aan)...' [al-Jinn 72:1], and Allaah revealed to him what the jinn had said."Reported by al-Bukhaari, 731.

A Group of Jinns meet Prophet Muhammad

It is stated by Imam Baihaqi in "Dalail-e-Nubuwwat" on the authority of Hadhrat Abdullah ibn Masood (ra) that the Prophet (saw) once, said to his companions in Makkah: "Whosoever from amongst you desires to see the jinns, he should come to me tonight." Hadhrat Abdullah ibn Masood stated that nobody except me came that night. The Prophet (saw) took me with him to a high hill in Makkah. He drew a circle with his foot for me and advised me to keep sitting within that circle. Seating Hadhrat Abdullah ibn Masood within that circle, he advanced ahead and then stood at a place. There, he started recitation of the Holy Quran. All of a sudden a big group of jinns encircled the Prophet (saw) and that group stood as a wall between me and the Prophet (saw) and I heard the jinns saying: "Who gives evidence that you are the Prophet." There was a tree nearby. The Prophet (saw) observed: "Will you accept my claim if this tree gives the evidence?" The jinns said: "Yes, we shall accept it." On that, the Prophet (saw) called the tree. The tree came nearby and gave the evidence accordingly and all the jinns embraced Islam.

A Snake comes to the Prophet

The well-known scholar Khateeb has stated on the authority of Hadhrat Jabir bin Abdullah who stated: "Once, we were travelling with the Prophet (SAW). The Prophet was sitting under a tree for taking rest. All of a sudden, there came a snake near him, took his mouth near the hole of his ear. After sometime, the Prophet took his mouth near its ear and said something. On that, the snake vanished in such a way as if the earth had swallowed it. We submitted to the Prophet that we were very much frightened when you let it reach near your ear. The Prophet told that it was an animal and in fact, it was a jinn who had forgotten a few verses of such and such Surah and the jinns had sent it to enquire about the same verses. Because of your presence, he came changing its form to that of a snake and enquired about the verses accordingly."Source: from the book "The Miracles of the Prophet Muhammad" by Ahmed Saeed Dehalvi.

Voice from the Belly of an Idol

Umar (ra) narrates: "One day, I was present near the idols. An idol-worshipper slaughtered a calf, by way of making an offering for the idols. In the meanwhile, all of a sudden, a voice came out of the belly of a big idol, in these words:"O strange man! a useful thing is this that an eloquent person says: There is no god but Allah."Umar (ra) stated that the people ran away getting frightened of this call; but I stayed in order to know the reality of this voice. Second time, also, the voice was heard. Thus, after some period, it was heard about Muhammad (sallallahu alayhe wasallam) that he is a Prophet and teaches that there is no god but Allah.Source: Sahih Bukhari.The voice came from a Jinn inside the belly of the idol.

How Sawad bin Qarib became a Muslim

In the report given by Imam Baihaqi in his Hadith collection, Hadhrat Sawad bin Qarib stated: "In the period of ignorance or pre-Islamic period, I had friendship with a jinn who used to give me information about the future events which I used to tell the people. Many people had become my devotees and offered me the presents as information by him always proved true. One day, he came and awakened me when I was asleep and said: Get up and be conscious. If you possess some sense, know that a Prophet has come from the descendants of Lawa bin Ghalib. Then, the jinn recited a few verses which meant:"I am surprised at those jinns who ride their camels and, getting restless, flee to Makkah for guidance. The jinns who embraced Islam are better than the unclean jinns. So, you should, also, look at that chief of Arabs and travel towards that chief of the Bani Hashim."Sawad bin Qarib stated that, after hearing these couplets, I remained restless throughout the night. The second night, also, that jinn came and awakened me and recited the same couplets. The third night, also, this event took place. As the event happened for three nights continuously, the love of Islam settled in my heart and I reached Makkah for the Prophet (saw). As soon as the Prophet (saw) saw me, he said: "Welcome! O Sawad bin Qarib. I know what brings you here." I submitted: "O Apostle of Allah! I have composed some couplets praising you. Please, first listen to these couplets." Being permitted by the Prophet (saw) Sawad recited his poem praising the Prophet (saw). The last couplet of this poem is:"O Prophet of Allah! please, intercede for my forgiveness on the day when nobody will intercede and benefit for anyone."

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